FM to add days to current date
How to sum days to current date in abap, if you need to sum or add more days to current day you only need to sum days to current days like example below
add days to date abap
first to all we will define a variable type dats, next, we will asing current date on this vairable, please see next image:
As you can see, current day its: 16-Nov-2020, then we are going to sum 14 days:
Now, our variable has change the date to 30-Nov-2020.
REPORT z_pruebas. DATA: date_now TYPE dats. date_now = sy-datum. date_now = date_now + 30 . "Sum days to actually date . WRITE: date_now
Another option to solve this its by using the Function Module ADD_TIME_TO_DATE. This function module recive a date and number of days you want to add to that date and return new date.
CALL FUNCTION 'ADD_TIME_TO_DATE' EXPORTING I_IDATE = F_DATE " Your Original Date in this parameter I_TIME = 5 " No.of Days you want to add to Given date I_IPRKZ = V_IPRKZ " Indicator D = Days M = Months Y = Years (this because yo can add, days, month or years) * I_RDMHD = IMPORTING O_IDATE = T_DATE " Processed Date
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