How to create SAPUI5 Fiori Application FreeStyle Application

Start from a templante
Now we have to select Basic Multitarjet Application;
on the next screen insert a name for the project, in my case i put "testings"
Then press finish.
Now you will see the folder testing in the object navigator, what we have to do now its create a MTA, Right clic on mta.yaml and press Create MTA from Template.
Now we are going to create the Approuter, clic on it and start.
On the next screen you have to select these options and then clic on Next.
Now we have our MTA create, what we are going to do its create our SAPUI5 Fiori Application.
Right clic on mta.yaml and Create MTA from Template and clic on start:
Select SAPUI5 Freestyle and SAPUI5 Application and clic on Next
On data source we select: None.
On view name we put Main:
Clic on Next and on the next screen we put the next information and Finish
Now our application will create, if you press on Run, you will see the application:
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